Recommendation To Parents
- Parents should see that the student should not scribble or dirty the school diary. Parents must open the diary everyday to see if there is any information/ notice/ remarks from the teacher and must duly sign it.
- It may please be noted that children will not be sent home in an emergency with any person other than the parents/ guardians during school hours without a written request from the parents/ guardian.
- Parents are requested to come to school properly dressed.
- You will not provide a mobile phone to your ward till he is in Holy Family School.
- Parents are not permitted to walk into classrooms or interview teachers during class hours. The principal’s permission is a must in this matter.
- The Name, Roll No., Class and Section of the pupil should be clearly marked on all his/her belongings such as tiffin box, water bottles, cardigans and jackets.
- Parents/ guardian should give sufficient attention and time to the children and help them in their studies at home.
- You should not ask your children to come home from school before the classes end.
- Please do not send a sick child to school. The child will be sent back and the school management will not be responsible for any mishap.
- Television viewing by the children should be carefully monitored as it inculcates a wrong set of values and message. Please ensure that your child only watch programmes which is suitable for his/ her age group.
- No parent is permitted to use abusive language in the school campus. Entry of such parents will be debarred and the child will be expelled.
- No parent is permitted to threaten any employee or student of the school. The result will be his/her child’s expulsion.
- Parents must co-operate and encourage their child to participate in school functions and activities. A student may be asked to leave if he/she does not cooperate. It is must that students take part in the Annual Day Programme.
- Parents/ guardians are requested to co-operate with the school in ensuring a high standard of morality and discipline among the students.
- Parents are advised to ensure that their child prepares his/ her lessons regularly at home and take keen interest in the activities of the school.
- Criticism of the teachers in the presence of students should be prudently avoided as this may adversely affect the child.
- Parents are requested to sign the progress report and the occasional report from the teachers.
- Parents/guardians are required to notify the school of any change in their address, phone numbers.
- While sending letters or making any inquiry please note the name of the child, the class and the admission number.
- Parents who regularly fail to attend Parent-Teacher meetings will be deemed to be not interested in their wards’ education and the student may be asked to discontinue.
- Parents are not allowed to give lunch box during the class time.
- Parents are requested not to approach the teachers for private tuitions or phone numbers.
- Kindly don’t buy anything from roadside vendors as there is no assurance of the quality, purity and hygiene of the goods.
Happy Environments
Active Learning
Creative Lessons